Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Avoid These Holiday Weight Loss Success Mistakes

Treats are everywhere this time of year and that can make it hard to lose weight. Even if you have the best intentions. There are 3 common mistakes that people frequently make during the holidays:

1. Deprivation

By being too restrictive we can actually sabotage our weight loss success. By not believing in forbidden foods and giving ourselves permission to enjoy the special treats of the season we will not only be merrier, but we will actually eat less!

2. Drinking

While I don't believe in forbidden foods (or drinks) be careful with the booze. It relaxes us...and we tend to eat more--LOTS more! So mix in some sparkling water with or between the alcohol and you will reduce the calories you drink and eat.

3. Flagellation

When we fall short of perfection at keeping to our resolution to eat healthily, the tendency is to chastise, criticize or otherwise beat the drum of our "failure." Be gentle, this is the season of forgiveness--and that, like charity, begins at home.

Have a very happy holiday season--enjoy this time thoroughly and start the New Year in good health!

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