Sunday, September 21, 2008

Halloween to Christmas Candy Land Mine

Mid-September used to be a time of year I simultaneously loved and dreaded. Halloween candy starts making its way out in the stores. I saw Christmas decorations in one store already.

It is official--we will be surrounded by chocolates and treats for at least the next 3 months. Then there is a short break while everyone makes New Year's resolutions to lose weight, followed by Valentine's Day candy.

This was the time of year when I could justify having candy in the house. For the trick-or-treater. Never mind that they wouldn't be at my door for another 6 weeks! If it is in the stores, they must be coming.

6 weeks of Halloween candy, followed by pumpkin bread, pie and cookies, followed by Christmas cookies and was a mine field all right!

I finally realized that the only person who was eating the candy was me. Surprise! And the truth was, I didn't enjoy it. Oh a couple of pieces maybe, but not the sackfuls I consumed. I didn't even get to have the guilty pleasure out of it--just the guilt!

I no longer buy vast amounts of candy for Halloween. Where I live now we get maybe two kids coming by all night. Not that that would stop me. When I lived in the the forest with virtually no neighbors, I still bought the trick-or-treaters candy.

Now, rather than the cheap kid candy, I now let myself have a piece or two of really good dark chocolate. That gives me a sense of indulgence and doesn't send me into a sugar spin. I can let myself have this treat pretty often and so I'm not feeling like I'm missing out, and I also get to keep dropping weight. Now that's a Christmas combo I can cheer about!

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