Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Letting Go Leads to Lightness

Continuing on with the story of my cleaning up the basement and how that is similar to my weight loss story...

Sunday I found it easy to sort through the documents and photos...I kept a handful that had special meaning and the rest went either into recycling or the trash.

It felt so wonderful when I went to the recycling center and dropped off 3 large boxes and bags of papers. It was a bit sad that photos end up in the landfill...double prints seem to be the environmental equivalent of "super size me!"

I feel lighter and more positive as a result of this housecleaning. THis is how I feel when I take care of my body by eating well and moving more.

Since I don't believe in coincidences I KNOW there is a connection. I let go of "stuff" Sunday...and the emotional attachment to the stuff...this allowed me to lighten my literal load as well.

I started Sunday doing forgiveness exercises and so I started psychically lighter...and then I finished physically lighter.

That is a direct correlation to how it has worked with my weight loss success! Start with the mind and the body follows!

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