Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weight Loss Success is a Dream of Olympic Proportion

If weight loss were an Olympic sport and there were only a limited number of medals given out then it would make sense why so many of Americans are overweight. Fortunately, we don't have to compete with anyone but ourselves to achieve our goal of weight loss success! And the medals are limitless--anyone can get the gold in this race of a life time.

The key to achieving success...when so many people have lost weight only to regain it, or not lost it all...is your mindset. Start there and commit to making small changes and being consistent.

It takes consistency in your actions...from moving your body a little bit more (no, you don't have to work out 8 hours a day like Apolo Ohno), to eating more healthy foods (don't believe the commercials...just because a company pays to be an Olympic sponsor does not mean the athletes eat or drink the stuff on a regular basis!) and keeping your mind on the prize.

Be inspired by the Olympians to be your best and to get a little bit better every day. They may make it look easy, but they work very hard for their success. You don't have to work as hard...just take those little steps, one after another, moving you forward.

To learn more about my Refuse to Diet philosophy...and how the Olympics have inspired me, go to RefuseToDiet where I prove that Weight Loss Success Starts with Your Mind...Not Your Mouth...I give tips and tools on mindset, exercises for weight loss and healthy eating that is quick, easy and won't break the budget!

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