Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Setbacks, Imperfections and Challenges

We are human and therefore aren’t “perfect” (as much as we might like to be.) This is true in all of our behaviors—including our health and fitness goals.

Even with the best intentions, it is easy to stray from our chosen path if we don’t pay attention and be present.

One of my personal challenges is allowing myself to get so busy that I don’t take ample breaks…or I will work until late in the evening. I will “forget” to meditate or to eat…or even just to get up and move.

In the very short-term, these added moments seem like they move me forward. Truth is, they ultimately set me back—either by causing greater fatigue, disharmony and even weight gain.

Rather than beat myself up over it, my goal is to be loving and gentle and guide myself firmly and lovingly back to the path that I know works for me.

This gives me the opportunity to recognize how my body feels and to evaluate that. Have I been paying attention? I also have the chance to reflect on my behaviors…I have I picked up some new “bad” habits…or perhaps slipped into an old familiar pattern that is not in my best health interests?

The reason to look at any less healthy choices I have been making is so I can stop or modify them and replace them with healthier ones—not to flog myself for my “mistakes”. Those actions were in the past (even if it was just yesterday, or even just an hour ago!)

It is up to me to see how I can do better NOW and in the future.

I choose to proclaim what I have done RIGHT and focus on continuing those behaviors and improving those positive skills!

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