Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Give the Best Holiday Gift

Not sure what to give your family this holiday season?

Want to give them something really special? A gift they will truly enjoy for years to come...one that is unique, filled with love...a gift that will keep on giving?

Then I have the answer!

The absolutely, positively, best gift you can give them this holiday is YOU!

If you give them the gift of a healthy and happy you, then you are actually giving them four gifts in one: You, Money, Fun, and them...okay, that seems a bit convoluted, so let's start with the first gift and then go on from there!

By achieving and maintaining a healthy weight you will live longer and be healthier during those years. People who are obese have been shown to die younger...the good news is that being obese now is not an early death sentence IF you start and make changes to improve your health NOW.

In addition, obese people tend to be sicker and have more serious health issues--from needing more surgeries, having sleep apnea, to diseases like diabetes...and even cancer. So, even if you live a long life, relatively speaking, the chances are good that it won't be a healthy one.

Make a decision today that you are worth having around! Be there for your kids, your spouse, your grandkids, your parents, your siblings...your friends and neighbors, too. And not only be there, have the energy you deserve to fully participate in their lives. They will thank you for it!

YOU. A healthy YOU. Your weight loss success...that is the best gift you can give your family...today, this holiday season, and for the rest of your healthy, energetic life!

Come back tomorrow when we talk about how taking care of your health will also be a monetary gift to your family!

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