Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oprah Celebrity Weight Loss Show: Public Accountability

Following up on yesterday's post about the recent Oprah Winfrey Show episode on Celebrity Weight Loss Struggles...

Both Valerie Bertinelli and Marie Osmond chose to make their weight loss very public when they chose to be spokes persons for Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem, respectively.

This public declaration has some risks to it. It did put some added pressure on them to stick with the program...and subject them to possible criticism if they didn't lose weight "fast enough" or lose "enough" weight or, Heaven forbid, they actually failed--dropped out of the program and gained weight!

It also provided them with a level of support! There were lots and lots of people really rooting for them and celebrating their success with them!

Well, you can make your own public declaration! The big advantage you have is that you get to choose who that public is!!!

You may want just one "accountability partner." Or you may prefer to announce your decision to a small (or large) group at work or in your neighborhood.

Unlike Valerie and Marie (don't you love that we are now on a first name basis?) because you get to select your 'public' you also get to tell them your goals and what support you want from them.
  • Do you want people to monitor what you eat? (that doesn't work for me, but some people thrive on it)
  • Do you want a cheering section?
  • Do you want someone to call when you are facing a challenge?
  • Do you want someone to call YOU on a regular basis to check in and see how you are doing?
  • Do you want a workout buddy?
If you don't tell people the type of support you want (and do not want) then you are leaving it up to them to decide. And they will most likely decide based on what THEY would want. So you might find yourself with your own food police or National Enquirer exposes--even if that embarrasses you or sets you up for a feeding frenzy.

So make your "public" declaration, choose your support team and help them to help you by letting them know what support you want to receive!

Tomorrow I'll touch on one of the points that all three women had in common for their successful weight loss...

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